Sunday, September 18, 2016

Lots of Pictures from Our First Full Week

These many photos are in a somewhat random order, as my new computer and its new photo program are not yet getting along with the blog. I will, however, prevail...eventually. Meanwhile, enjoy!

Friends helping get the cards ready for our parent alphabet.

Painting names for our Art Frames.

The ever-fascinating dragon feeding.

Paula and friends, having returned from the library to get dinosaur identification books.

Our first official library visit. Doris read us a number of great books.

Matching smiles.

Picking out books to take back to our room.

Another Happy Birthday!

Reading outdoors.

Lots of building, cooking, game-playing, chasing and imagination happens outside.

Painting our boxes - part of another big project (IMPORTANT NOTE: IF YOU HAVEN'T BROUGHT IN A FAMILY PHOTO, PLEASE DO SO THIS WEEK.)

Our always busy and very messy kitchen restaurant.

Building animal enclosures.

Our first Art Class!

Amanda demonstrating the oil pastels.

Amy visiting and demonstrating one of her many skills.

Working on alphabet letters.

Puzzle teamwork.

Building a pirate ship.

Our first Music class!

The ongoing process of dragon naming - consensus is a lengthy process.

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