Monday, September 26, 2016

Building Stories, Acting Stories, Telling Stories

Today friends were busy with stories. Some were acting them out.

Or using figures.

Others were building sets for animal stories.

Or relaying stories through the phone.

At Morning Meeting, we talked about our visitor - a Catbird mom with apples!
there were 5 different kinds.

We got to help cut them up, and then we rated each kind using the same system we use to rate books: Thumbs down, thumbs sideways, thumbs up or MOOSE EARS (if you really loved it),

We made a chart with our ratings. Most friends liked most apples, with the most moose ears going to Honey Crisps and Jonathon apples. A couple of friends were not fans of apples in general, and abstained from voting. We are thinking about what other things we might make from apples.

It was a beautiful day outdoors, and stories continued with roles assigned, changing as needed.

Some more Catbirds dictated stories and we read these aloud at circle time. Soon we will be ready to publish this years first volume of Catbird Stories!

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