Thursday, September 8, 2016

Getting to Know Each Other

Day Two in the Catbird room and we are learning more about one another and about being Catbirds together. Some friends spent time making art together, and then hanging it up in their frames.

There were phone calls to make.

And a restaurant serving VERY SPICEY food.

Popcorn came out to meet new friends.

And the Tubez turned into all kinds of machines.

There was lots of digging and building in the sandbox, as the Catbirds negotiated trades and turns for favorite trucks and toys.

Our yet-to-be-named Bearded Dragon was also quite social (after spending most of the day yesterday hiding under her log). She was very hungry and friends love to watch her scarf down bugs and bananas and squash and spinach.

There was some spontaneous dancing.

We practiced our Moment of Silence and then read a new book...the Catbirds all share a love of stories.

We had some time outside with a number of other classes.

There was some impressive building and balancing.

Back inside, we had Morning Meeting and talked about Choice Time. The Senior Catbirds explained how it works to the Junior Catbirds. Our most popular choice today was fresh-made playdough.

Other friends painted the name for their art frames.

Still others built with magnatiles.

It was Carol's pretend birthday today, so I received many delicious cakes.

Our dragon enjoyed some fresh spinach. We are working on naming her and the list of suggestions continues to grow.

We are loving the process of getting to know each other.

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