Monday, September 19, 2016

First Sign In & Romp in the Rain

This morning we asked the Catbirds to sign in for the first time this school year. For the Senior Catbirds, this was just a matter of shaking off the cobwebs. For the new Catbirds, it was a new experience. At this point, we just want new friends to get comfortable with the idea of writing, so any marks on the paper will do. Some like to trace their names, others like it when parents make a "connect the dots" for them and others prefer a helping hand over hand. Some friends just want to make a mark or a first letter. Any of these are fine - its most important that it not be stressful.

This morning, many friends were interested in drawing, while others were building.

We kept a close eye on the weather and, as soon as the rain let up, we got on our coats and boots and headed outside (NOTE: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS A RAINCOAT FOR RAINY DAYS AND BOOTS THAT CAN BE KEPT AT SCHOOL).

We found some new puddles to jump in.

The pond was a favorite place, and more than one Catbird ended up soaking wet!

Inside, we had Morning Meeting and discussed the dragon's name - we are very close to a final name!

Then, friends worked on their tree cookies. They cut out ta picture of themselves and glued them onto the wood. When these are done, we will use them as a random way to take turns.

We also hung up most of our alphabet, with friends figuring out which letters came next. This necessitated singing the Alphabet song about a million times!

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