Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Musical Day

We had some Dance Party time this morning and got to see the moves of Catbirds old and new.

We also set up our new keyboard, and had a meeting about how to use and share it.

Outside, friends were very busy.

We worked some more on measuring and cutting our pipe.

Back inside, we followed a recipe and made a batch of Flubber.

It turned out good and goopy.

Then, our friend Franklin (he's the strings teacher for the whole school), came and taught us about the cello.

He played us some songs that we knew, in different keys and we sang along.

He also taught us about "forte" and "piano" and we played a very silly game, standing up and sitting down, depending on if he was playing loud or soft.

Not sure why the photos are so out of order today - just  consider it a puzzle for your entertainment.

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