Thursday, February 6, 2014

What Do Colors Feel Like?


...and more building.


...and more journaling.


...and more puzzling.


LOTS of reading!


...and more running!

Today, we read, The Black Book of Color, which was written from the perspective of a boy with blindness. In it, colors are described by the way they taste or sound or smell or feel. The pictures are all objects in black, on a black background, embossed so that you need to feel the shapes with your fingers. We talked about what the world would seem like, if we couldn't see, and we all examined the words written in braille.

At Choice Time, friends had a chance to draw images with chalk on black paper, and to ponder what different colors made them think about.

After lunch, some friends went to visit Joe and Rob - the dragon-making puppeteers. They have made a lot of progress on the dragon for Shrek. They showed us the legs, and explained how they were using the measuring tape to create the tail. They answered all of our questions and invited us to visit again soon.

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