Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Books, Books and More Books

It was so great to have the Catbirds back today! Our time was way to short, as everyone wanted to do everything with everybody.

After signing in, friends dove into building and dramatic play.

We had to negotiate for materials, because there were so many buildings going up.

Friends weren't quite ready to move into another activity - this is some friends, posing in official protest!

Eventually, the Catbirds were ready to head for the library, where Doris read us, Knuffle Bunny, by Mo Willems. We LOVED it so much, that she read us the next one, Knuffle Bunny Too.

Then, it was time to get our own books. Doris is encouraging friends to really take a look inside of the books they are choosing, before deciding what to take out.

So, we did.

The Catbirds love getting new books, and love sharing them with one another.

We headed back for more reading and building. It was lunchtime so soon, we couldn't believe it.

After rest time, we got busy again.

We can't wait for a whole day together.

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