Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentines Day

The Catbird Official Snow Prediction:

We talked a bit about what it means to predict, and then friends made their predictions. Sometime in the next couple of days, please take your Catbird outside with a ruler, to measure the depth of the snow (if you can take a picture and send it to me, that would be even better!)

We had some balloons out today, and friends discovered and played around with static electricity. We made some observations about when balloons did and didn't stick and explored some reasons why this might be. We will continue this study by adding some other ways to experiment, next week.
This is an example of encouraging friends to ask questions, experiment with possibilities and form hypotheses. Offering an adult explanation of static electricity might answer all of their questions at once (although probably not in a way that would be meaningful to them), but they would lose the potential to gain knowledge through their own exploration. It is this ability to realize their own power as question -askers and answer-finders that is the most important of their developing skills.

Our Valentine's Day Decorations.

Playing Jenga, in a new way.

A 100 piece puzzle, and some serious teamwork.

Settling the babies in.

We had a wonderful Valentine Breakfast (thank you Catbird families). Amy and I were serving a multitude of delicious foods, so neither of us took pictures. Then, we headed off for Music Class.

Back in the room, the party continued.

Friends finished the work of delivering valentines cards. The Catbirds helped one another read all of their friends names.

Buildings continued.

Puzzling continued.

Then, we were invited to head to the gym with the Owls! We warmed up our bodies, while we waited for our turn.

Then we raced inside!

We ran and ran and ran.

We also took rests.

Then it was time to play,  Mister Fox and the Chickens!

The chickens lined up and asked Mister Fox, "What time is it?" Whatever time Mister Fox said, the chickens took that many steps, UNTIL Mister Fox said, "MIDNIGHT!" Then, all the chickens ran across the gym, with all of the foxes in mad pursuit.

On our way back to the room, we stopped to take a trip in our rocket ship.

It was a lovely Valentines Day! 

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