Friday, February 28, 2014

A Full Week

Happy Friday morning!

We had a packed day, beginning with an assembly.

The kindergarten classes performed very funny original skits for us, which were inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. The Catbirds were entranced by the kids performing on stage. 

Back in our classroom, Aedín joined us for music class.

She brought some very shiny jewels for us to search for around the room.

She showed us some new dance moves, a few of which were pretty tricky and pretty funny.

One of the moves looked like a superhero pose!

The Catbirds mastered it very fast and enthusiastically.

And then... Carol called us!

The Catbirds were overjoyed by her virtual presence

At choice time, we drew with stencils, spelled more words for the Cha Cha Challenge, had much busy dramatic play, and did a giant floor puzzle.

Then, Mike came in to do some facial aerobics with the Catbirds...

And we headed downstairs to the Multipurpose room for an extended choice time and some run-around time with the Owls.

There was much to do

...and much energy to release!

With the completion of our first full week in a long, snowy time, we wish you a very happy weekend!