Sunday, January 19, 2014

Español con los Catbirds: Los numerous y la Salsa

¡Bienvenidos familia, amigas, y amigos de los Catbirds! Welcome Catbirds’ families and friends! The start of 2014 has thus far been fantastico! First, Lillian had us fly in to Argentina and during the subsequent class Lily choose Paraguay as our destination for our Spanish language experience. Once there, we reviewed the vocabulary words for numbers one through ten.

We first read Tomie DePaola’s book, Marcos Counts. Afterwards, Luis joined us in singing a song to the tune of “Ten Little Fingers”:

Uno, dos, tres amigos
Cuatro, cinco, seis amigos
Siete, ocho, nueve amigos
Diez amigos son!

Other vocabulary words reviewed:
qué - what
múmero – number
es – is
cuenta – count
uno – one
dos – two
tres – three
cuatro – four
cinco – five
seis – six
siete – seven
ocho – eight
nueve – nine
diez - ten
 pasalo – pass it

An activity that was incorporated to help practice the Spanish vocabulary for the numbers was dancing. Yes! Dancing! After all, dancing has so many physical and educational benefits and it is just plain fun!

To get closer to the Spanish culture, los Catbirds were introduced to a type of Latin American dance called salsa. A discussion was started on how different cultures have different types of dances and some books were used to introduce some of the diverse styles.

After the discussion, los Catbirds practiced basic salsa dance steps with a little help from Ana. Make sure to ask your little one how they did it.

New vocabulary introduced:
juntos – together
pies – feet
pie – foot
pierna – leg
frente – front
atras - back

¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje! (Until our next voyage!)



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