Friday, January 31, 2014

A New Year and a Full Day

A busy morning.

Some friends did a classroom exchange, so we had some Owls visiting us and some Catbirds went to the Owl room.

We had yoga in the Commons.

We passed a ball with our feet!

Then, we heard a special story. Every time we heard "dog, or guinea pig or tree or mountain," we got into one of our yoga poses.

Then is was time for a special snack. Leila and her grandma brought us sticky cakes for the Chinese New Year. While we ate, Amy read us a story about the New Year celebration.

It was time to go to the auditorium.

The Black Pearl Brass was there to play and teach us about each of their instruments.

It was pretty amazing.

When we got back, half of the Catbirds went outside, and the other half decided to stay in, where we played some new games.

Before lunch, we did our team "Tall Tricky Tower" challenge - racing to build a tower together.

It was a very full and wonderful day. May your weekend be the same!