Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Morning Meeting Outdoors

The Catbirds began their morning journaling and investigating new items in the classroom. We then headed out to enjoy this beautiful day.

Friends have been enjoying their new dress up clothes in the classroom. Friends were making delicious  soups and desserts. 

While outside, Friends found teeny tiny flowers growing in the grass. 

Today was a GREAT day to play in the pond. Friends enjoyed filling buckets up with water and mixing sand and wood-chips together to make delicious foods!

The Owls brought out their bubble maker to share with the Catbirds. Friends chased the bubbles throughout the playground trying to pop the bubbles. 

We then headed to the grassy area in between our building and Tyson House to have Morning Meeting and Choice Time. On the way over, Friends found even more teeny tiny flowers!

To begin Morning Meeting, Friends had a Moment of Screaming (we got to use our LOUD voices) and then a Moment of Silence. This was very tricky because there were a lot of distractions but Friends did a great job! After our Moment of Silence, friends sang "Make New Friends" like birds.

Danielle read us the book Caps, Caps for Sale. Friends gave the book all thumbs up. They liked the part where they could stomp their feet and shake their fist at the monkeys! After the story was Choice Time. 

Our Choices were books...


animals and cars...

and pipes. After Choice Time we headed back to our classroom to eat our delicious lunches. 

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