Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Fun-Filled Fair Day!

This morning, after journaling, we headed over to the auditorium for Lower School Assembly!

We got to liten to three 4rth graders play the piano....

....we learned all about Fencing and saw a demonstration....

...and then we heard five lower school friends (from kindergarten to 4rth grade), play the violin. It was pretty amazing!

After assembly, we headed back to our room for Snack and then collected our library books to be returned.

Gwen read a new book to us, Edwina, The Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct. It has the character, Reginald Von Hoobie-Doobie, our new favorite character name.

Next, we did a weather check and it was only raining a little, so we decided to go out for a little bit.
Note: While I'm thinking of it, friends need to have raincoats at school. Now that it's warmer, we are very likely to go out in the rain.

We came in and read, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, and we used the troll puppet that Gwen lent us! Puppets make every story better!

Next was Choice Time: Friends could select, Books, Drawing, Airplanes, Magnatiles and Stories.

The Catbirds have been inspired to write their own books, so they are sitting with a teacher and dictating their ideas.

We also took out our parent-made paper airplane launcher, to test a new airplane design.

Before we knew it, it was time to head out to the 4rth Grade Fair.

We got to the gym, and were excited at all there was to do. There were scooters to race on, goals to kick, bowling, bean bag toss, face painting and more!

After we were done playing games, we each got to pick out a prize. The Catbirds are pictured here with their new toys!

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