Friday, May 24, 2013

Dance Party!

We were busy right off the bat this morning: playing music, running errands, building, working on projects, taking care of babies and, of course, working on our journals.

At Morning Meeting, we had a lovely Moment of Silence.

Then, Danielle read, Toy Boat. Friends really enjoyed this book, and gave it many thumbs up.

After a group weather check, we concluded that it was too rainy to head outside, so we decided to go on a walkabout inside. We stopped to admire some new art hanging in the hallways. Then, we ran into our friends, The Owls. It turns out that they were also heading for the auditorium, and that they had brought along some music, to have a DANCE PARTY!
Of course, we decided to have ONE BIG DANCE PARTY!

Our friend, April, who runs the theater, came in to help us hook up our music to the big sound system, and the dancing began. The pictures are a bit blurry, because everyone was moving so fast (and the light is a bit dim), but we had a blast.

We danced everywhere in the whole auditorium! Up the stairs, down the chairs and on the stage.

We climbed the risers and jumped down, and we showed each other our moves.

Some of us were very interested in the sound system.

We played a slow song to wind down, and then headed back to our room for Choice Time.

Today's Choices included: Big Paper Drawing, Working on the ISPY Board, Books, Sand Table and Pretend Play.

We are almost finished with our I SPY Board (although some friends want to start another). Next week, we will make the list of Things to Find and share our board with friends from other classes.

We went to the Art Room to get big sheets of paper and taped them on to the floor, so that friends could draw on their knees or bellies. Drawing in this position is fun, and it also exercises some of the larger arm and core muscles that need to be strengthened for sustained writing. We drew light on dark paper and dark on light paper, and played "Follow the Leader," making different shapes.

It was another good day in Catbird Land.

Important Note: We will be having a Potluck EC gathering on Tuesday evening. Please come if you can - it will be a great time for relaxed talking and playing and rumor has it that Debbie Green is putting together an end of year slide show! The sign up to bring something is next to the classroom sign in sheet. Hope to see you there!

Oh, and here's the official note:
Right after the Memorial Day weekend, on Tuesday, May 28 from 5-6:30 p.m., we are having an EC  Pot-luck Dinner on our nature playground. We know that it is a busy time of the year and this day on our very busy school calendar was the only one available.  We hope that your family will join us.

We do need to try to get an idea of a head count and what families will bring to the pot-luck.  If you have not already done so, please sign-up in your child's classroom (or outside of the door.)  If you do not see this e-mail in time to  sign-up, please e-mail Debbie at  with how may people will be coming (adults and children) and what you are able to bring.

Also, as seating is limited, please feel free to bring a blanket or folding chairs

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