Monday, September 17, 2012

Working at Art

Today began with journaling,

and some friends chose their colors by matching them to their clothing.

As usual, many Catbirds picked books to be read...

...while others explored new and favorite parts of the room.

We had a particularly lovely Moment of Silence, and we have decided to continue a tradition started last year, by having a wall of "Moments of Silence Moments." Look for these and other photos on a display in our room, coming soon.

At our Morning Meeting, Danielle brought out a GIANT CANVAS! We are going to create our own Catbird work of art...which will be a Catbird. Using our poetic licenses, we have decided to adapt a line from a Beatles song: "Catbird singing on the edge of night," as our inspiration. So, we had a discussion about which colors we should use to represent "the edge of night." We took these colors, some painting shirts and paintbrushes out to the outdoor art area, and began to paint. We also had to get the canvas out, which took some serious teamwork.

The Catbirds really enjoyed painting, and you can see the colors we used on many of them (It is, however, tempera paint, so it should wash out with no trouble). Our masterpiece will be continued tomorrow.

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