Friday, September 14, 2012

Asking, "Where?"

Our day began with journaling, and a few parents stopped by to help out, which made it extra fun.

Next, a drum came out. Then another and another and another, until we had an entire drum circle. The Catbirds took turns coming up with rhythms that all of their friends copied. Some friends sang favorite songs while they drummed and a few made up songs of their own.

In the Art Center, friends were busy with scissors. Some Catbirds were teaching others how best to cut little triangles. It was also the first conversation about how old people were, and how good it was to have some friends who were older and some a little younger.

At Morning Meeting, after our Moment of silence, we sang the Silly Face song and took pictures of some of the silly faces.

We read a book called, "Duck in a Truck," that has lots of good rhymes, and the Catbirds could often figure out what word was coming next.

Next, we went outside for a bit and then made plans for a Big Adventure. We decided that we needed some balls to play with, and Carol thought we might find some at the gym. The problem was, nobody knew where the gym was! So, we headed to Tricia's office to ask her our question, "Where is the gym?" She told us to go out the door and turn left.

It was a hot and thirsty journey, so we had to stop frequently for squirts of water. This is a very good, and funny, and somewhat messy way to deal with our thirst.

After we had gone a ways, we came to a little building, and we went inside to see if it was the gym. It was not. It was the store! After we asked them our question,  the nice people inside told us where to go next.

We headed inside the big building and again, we didn't know which way to go, so we went into the library to ask Toni, the librarian, our question (because librarians often have answers). She told us where to go, and off we went.

Of course, we had to stop for more squirts of water.

Then, we came to another door. We looked inside. It looked like a gym or, at least, "an exercise place." We went in and ran into our friend, Lisa. She went and got us 5 soft and colorful balls! We thanked her and went out on the soccer field to play with them

After running and kicking and making our bodies stronger and tired - er, we returned the balls, had some more squirts, and headed back for lunch.

When we passed by the Music room this time, we heard some sounds. There were a lot of kids in there playing instruments. So, we stopped to listen for a few minutes.

We said hello to the Monkey Mask, and went in to eat.

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