Thursday, September 20, 2012

Getting to Know More...

Today, after journaling...

...reading stories...

...serving up some people meals...

...fixing some gadgets...

...and feeding the guinea pigs...

...we headed outside.

There was lots to see and do out doors this morning. Men with a hole-digging machine, who were fascinating to watch. We spent some time wondering about what they were doing.

We also talked to some kindergarten friends through the door into their classroom.

We had stories on the hill, with friends from other classrooms. We are getting to know everyone in Early Childhood!

We also went to sing the Goodbye Song to the fourth graders. They were leaving on a big bus for their overnight shore trip.

On a walk, some friends met Upper Schoolers who were working on an engineering project. They demonstrated their mouse trap catapult and answered our questions about how it worked. We wondered whether we could build something like that. Hmmm...

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