Friday, September 21, 2012

International Peace Day

The Catbirds are really enjoying it when parents help out with the journals - it's fun to have visiting adults in the room and it has also made friends more excited about their work. If you were not here for back to school night, please stop in some time and leave a message in your child's journal, as a surprise for their morning.

Moments of Silence.

Learning a new song - the Catbirds LOVE to sing!

Today we gave friends pictures of various things around the room and asked them to find the items and attach the pictures. We are creating a growing awareness of the resources in our room and simplifying the Catbirds' ability to find the things they need.

At Choice Time, we made "Name Chips:" with blocks of wood. We put our pictures on one side, and the first letter of our names on the other. We will be using these for a variety of activities and games. We also got out our overhead projector to change the bulbs and work with light and shadow. Unfortunately, our new bulbs did not fit, so some of the Catbirds went off in search of someone who might be able to help us.

We took a few detours along the way (we like to pause in between the glass doors and pretend we are fish and sing "The Aquarium" song).

We also had to pick some dandelions and balance on the wall.

We stopped in Rich Nourie's office to visit our friend, Nancy. We sang her the "Itsy Bitsy Spider," and she gave us animal crackers.

We paused to admire and discuss the papier mache puppets (you can get a sense of why it takes us so long to get anywhere). We went to IT, and they didn't have any bulbs, so we decided to try Toni, in the big library. Amazingly, she had one! There were also more puppets in the library, for us to discuss.

When we got back, we pulled down our new screen, turned on the projector and had a shadow puppet show!

Next, we headed outside. While we were out playing, we talked about it being International Peace Day. I asked the Catbirds what made them feel peaceful. Here were some of their answers:

"A seashell" Katie
"The quiet" Mason
"Lucy...and a rock" Cameron
"Hugs" Lillian
"Food, when I eat it" Lucy
"I don't know. When Mommy says goodnight at bed, when it's dark outside" Matthew
"The stumps, because I jump on them. I feel sad when I am peaceful, or happy" Tori
"Say sorry (?) When they say sorry to me" Rowan
"When I feel better" Lucas
"Mason" Nora
"Mommy...and this tree" Paige

Have a Peaceful Weekend!

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