Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Core Muscles

Yesterday afternoon, making things from beads. A steering wheel that turns into a necklace.

A nano misquito and snake.

Art class. Today's project built on a previous painting that we made. We got to use shapes and glue to create our art.

Back in the room, we had an extended Choice Time, as friends picked out materials they wanted to work with.

The jumping spiders were very popular...and surprising.

We also continued to work on our secret project.

Some very active time outside.

Morning Meeting. During our Moment of Silence, we have begun to talk more about our bodies and how they work. Today, we discussed our core muscles and how important it is to strengthen them by holding up our bodies when we are sitting. This is hard for many Catbirds, so we are starting slowly. Gradually, our Senior Catbirds will help us introduce some yoga exercises that will help develop the muscles we need.

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