Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Busy Day

After sign in, we've taken to having an early morning meeting to plan out our day. We talk about what we have scheduled and then the Catbirds add things that they would like to do during Choice Time. Its a nice way to get a sense of the day ahead.

Next, it was time for Spanish! 

Today we played two games that helped us learn the names of different modes of transportation.

We used giant swatters to choose the answer.

We headed back for snack and prep to go out. Amanda came by and told us we would need leaves for Art class today, and we were ready to collect them.

Outside we raced at high speeds and built a number of vehicles.

Then we headed out in search of leaves!

We paused for a leaf fight.

We brought our leaves to Art and Maria showed us how to paint on them and make prints.

Next we had Morning Meeting. Today we introduced the Choice Chart to the new Catbirds. The Choice Chart gives friends an opportunity to learn some sight words, and to be planful about the activities they want to do.

It was a busy Choice Time.

After lunch, some friends got to pet Sparkles!

We read a number of books. After a rest, friends helped to set up our Catbird Lending Library. These will be books that the Catbirds can borrow and take home.

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