Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What We Do On a Fairly Scheduled Day

There is still time to connect with friends and enjoy some of our favorite play-time activities.

We had Meeting for Worship together (although we don't usually take pictures during this time). Today, we listened to some beautiful piano music while we sat together in (relative) silence. Then, we talked about the kinds of thoughts that the music evoked.

We welcomed a visitor to our room, and friends took turns showing her the ropes.
While we had snack, we had a discussion about what friends do to make themselves feel better when they are mad. For some, the idea that they could do something was new, while others had a variety of strategies.
After snack (Pretzel Day!), we headed over to the library.

In the library, Doris read us two books - one of which tested our ability to rhyme (we are getting SO good at it).

Then we chose our own books to take out, and stopped to read a few with friends.

Back in the room, we looked at our new books and explored some new materials.

Then it was off for Music class.

We learned a bunch of new rhymes and songs today - many of them requiring us to get up and move and dance.

Then it was back to our room and the projects and games we had waiting for us.

We got new magnatiles today - because we are constantly running out - and friends took full advantage by creating some amazing buildings.

One of which fell down right before we got a picture! 

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