Monday, January 11, 2016

Much Music

Amy was off learning cool stuff at a conference today, so Mindy joined us.

We had Spanish, where Alicia read us a book about feelings, and we started to learn some new feeling words - like feliz (happy) and triste (sad).

A friend brought in a giant sombrero, which was great fun.

And we had some new magnatiles - more wheels and new shapes.

Friends really started to explore the instruments in the room, and worked on playing both alone and together.

Then we had music class!

And we got to play some other instruments.

Some time outside, where it was quite chilly.

Then it was back in for morning meeting. We had a story and then Carol introduced sound sampling as another way to make music, and friends used the microphone and ipad to begin making their own sound samples.

And we had Choice Time.

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