Friday, January 8, 2016

A Happy Friday

There was much music and laughter in the Catbird room today.

Some friends worked on their blogs - here we are reviewing a video and noticing times that it was the clearest to hear and see.

Building cooperatively continues to be a favored activity.

We worked on word puzzles

There was a team trying to find words and clues - and some reading happening.

Building with the new geometric shapes.


Lots of puzzles today.

A restaurant opened that specialized in waffles, ice cream and hand made chocolate.

A friend read to the guinea pigs from their own book.

Negotiating use of the space ship.

Some excellent outside time.

Another restaurant emerged. Definitely some culinary experimentation on the menu.

Talking about life.

A doctors office was under construction.
Inside, for lunch, it was Scary Story Day!

At morning meeting, we began to discuss our new study - Music. Friends talked about the instruments they knew. Later, we watched some acapella singing, and thought about all of the sounds that we can make with just our mouths! Later, we got out the fiddle and Carol used the sounds to tell a story. Friends were eager to try the story sound combination.

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