Monday, November 5, 2012


Today began with new puzzles, journals and exploration.

We also had a new instrument, called a Lap Harp. It is a stringed instrument, like the guitar, and you can play it with your fingers or a pick (or sticks, as we did today).

At Morning Meeting, we had our Moment of Silence. The Catbirds are taking turns leading us in the process of taking deep breaths, closing our eyes, and relaxing our bodies. Today, while we had our eyes closed, we listened.

Then, we talked about sounds, because friends have become very interested in different kinds of sound - from music to machinery to fire trucks to singing to silly noises. So, we sang a song about silly sounds and each friend got to stand up and create a sound and all of their friends would try and make it, too. We were amazed at how many sounds you can make with your body.

After a bit of a runaround outside, we came back in to hear a story, read by Gwen. Amazingly, it was about sound and called; Horace and Morris Join the Chorus (but what about Dolores?). Gwen introduced the idea of sounds that are high (soprano) and sounds that are low (bass). The Catbirds got to practice both, as she read the story.

Outside, we continued to experiment with sound, banging sticks on all kinds of objects and surfaces. Back inside, we made up our own story, and added Sound Effects. We discovered how much better they made the story. This interest in the sounds of the world will take us...who knows where?

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