Monday, November 26, 2012

More Music!

Friends were very glad to see one another this morning, and spent some time checking in at all of their favorite locations around the room. They read books together, did their journals,

and got out every block in the room. It was building madness!

We went for a kitten/puppy/monkey walk down to Tricia's office to report attendance.

At the water fountain, we practiced our pressing and slurping skills. It's hard to do both without squirting water up your nose.

We found some boats/boxes and friends were off on many journeys.

And the restaurant was open for business - serving spaghetti and waffles.

Then it was time for Spanish with Alicia.

Alicia read a book about trucks in Spanish, and friends had to make the sounds.

Next, we put together a puzzle, with Alicia giving instructions in Spanish and friends following along.

It was already time for Snack, and as we ate, we made up a new song called "I Like," and friends took turn adding in things they like (mostly foods). We will share it with you when we finish composing it.

Next, we headed outside to frolic in the sunshine.

We continued working on our song while playing the new marimba.

Then, it was time for the Big Event - A Peter Moses Sing-a-Long (for those who don't know him, he's like the Bruce Springsteen of the preschool set).

Peter played the guitar while the Catbirds and the Owls sang along, clapped, danced, stomped, jumped, twirled and laughed!

He even sang us the book, "White Bear, White Bear, What Do You Hear?"

When we got back to our room, we jumped right into Choice Time. There was play dough to roll and cut... to draw...

...more buildings to construct...

...houses to keep...

...boxes to hide in, and pop out of...

...and more snacks being served at the cafe. Before we knew it, it was time to eat our lunch, where we talked about our Thanksgivings.

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