Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Very Busy Day

Today, as soon as we finished our journals, we made bread. It was lots of scooping and counting and adding of cinnamon.

Then we closed up the bread maker and turned it on. The Catbirds watched closely as the bread turned into dough.

After we cleaned up, we had a Dance Party. Our friends from 7th and 8th grades joined us for their morning of Service Learning. Friends were glad to see them again - although our phenomenal dancing skills clearly scared them off of the dance floor.

After our Moment of Silence, we introduced another visitor - the grandmother of one of the Catbirds came to read us a story. It was a Dr. Seuss book about 2 birds building a nest. When she finished the book, she told us a story about the wrens who live in her yard, and how they acted just like the birds in the story!

Next, we made plans for an adventure. The Catbirds are going to go to Meeting for Worship with the Lower School tomorrow (for the last 15 minutes), so we decided to go over to the Meetinghouse today, to see what it is like and talk about what we will do tomorrow.

We took the slide, on our way.

And had to go over some giant boulders.

When we arrived, Loretta let us in and we sat down on the benches. We talked about being very quiet when we come in and that the silence will end when everyone shakes hands. We also talked about how many other people will be there...All of the Big Kids from the Lower School!! (Friends named some people they know). Then, we practiced one time.

We said goodbye and thank you to Loretta (she is the Meeting's Secretary), and we were on our way.

On our way back, we searched for treasures and stopped for snack.

When we got back, it was time for Art Class with Sam. She brought in some clay/dough made from flour and gave each of the Catbirds a bag with some in it. Then, friends could add one or two primary colors. We closed up our bags and mixed up the colors.

After we got our colors mixed, we took out our clay and sculpted with it. Friends really enjoyed the texture. Same gave us cardboard to dry the creations on. Some friends left theirs out to harden and some put it back in the bag to play with again later.

We checked on our bread, which was starting to bake and smelling delicious, then headed outside for some more running and sunshine.

After lunch, we had some time to look at books all together. The bread was done (and HOT), so we took it out to cool. Then it was nap time. After we woke up, we had a special snack.

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