Thursday, November 1, 2012

Black and White

This morning, we had Art class with Sam. She brought in a bunch of different kinds of paint brushes and we examined them carefully. We talked about what they are made of, and how to use them to make the kinds of marks we want.

Then we each got our own paint brush, a piece of black paper and some white paint. We practiced using our brushes and making different kinds of marks.

Next we opened jars of black paint and added that to our paper. When we put it with the white paint, it made a new color - grey!

After Art class, some friends worked on their journals while others played with the house and people (there were also cars and planes involved).

Other Catbirds worked on puzzles. Some friends are very focused on finishing puzzles on their own, while others are trying working in teams when they get stuck.

We had some time outside with many of our friends, before we set out on an adventure.

On our way, we were all kinds of animals and vehicles.

We found some very cool marks on the sidewalk and wondered how they came to be.

We took some shortcuts...

...and stopped at our favorite wall and hill to balance and roll.

We discovered some good tracks to be a train on.

We paused to be fish in an aquarium. We went first to the Big Library to return some books to Toni, that we had borrowed about building.

Then, we went to see our friend, Nancy. We sang her three songs. She clapped and we bowed.

She also gave us each an animal cracker. Nancy is nice that way.

We went out to the lobby to do one more of our favorite songs - this one needs lots of room. We entertained many friends from the Upper School.

Outside, we played our own version of Hide and Seek: Danielle hid, and we all looked for her. When we found her, she jumped out to scare us.

We played this most of the way back, because it made us laugh.

We had a bit more time outside, before we headed in for a story. Today, it was, The House That Drac Built. The Catbirds loved this one - it got almost all thumbs up! 
Then, it was time for lunch. Some of the today's mealtime discussion included: Very seriously letting Carol and Danielle know that they (The Catbirds), were all growing up. When asked what this meant, some said it meant that they were getting bigger and bigger. My favorite pronouncement of this discussion was: "Carol, you know, when we are ALL grown up, THEN we will be in KINDERGARTEN!"
So look out, they are growing up FAST!

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