Thursday, October 11, 2012

Saying Thank You.

Our morning started with journals and Choice Time. Friends used some new shapes and figures to begin to make up shadow stories.

We watched as Marty and Timmy put on the first of the roofs. Then, we realized that they will be leaving tomorrow, so we decided to make them a Thank You card for all the time they've taken to answer our many questions. We made giant letters and made a game out of figuring out which friends have which letters in their name.

We got dressed to go and went down to tell Tricia who was and wasn't here. She told us one of our friends would be here in a little bit, so we decided to take our coats off and play in the Commons while we waited for her (Catbirds prefer to fly in a flock).

We worked together to build ramps and roads, and experimented with different combinations of track.

Then it was time to go. We ran into Sam, the art teacher in the hall and she told us about the art she was hanging on the wall.

Friends used their strong muscles to take turns holding the door for one another.

When we got outside, we put on our running feet and our LOUD voices and screamed and laughed as we went racing.

We hunted for more treasures for our alphabet.

Then found a hill, that just had to be rolled down.

And bleachers that needed to be climbed up and jumped off.

Then, we lined up to form our words..."Thank You Marty and Timmy."

It took many, many, many takes.

Then, we had snack on the bleachers and more time for exploring, before it was time to get back.

Some stories and it was time for lunch.

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