This morning was musical, as many friends asked to get out the instruments and we sang some favorite and some newly made up songs (one involving a princess, a dragon and a rocket ship). Together, we are starting to figure out different rhythms and tempos, and to vary the volume to stress different parts of our songs. We plan to keep playing until we are ready for our world tour. I'll keep you posted.
The Owls also visited us this morning. They re making sketches of our Cozy Box (the wooden structure with the soft pillows inside), so that they can make one of their own. Several Catbirds joined in this activity.
We had our meeting with the builders. They are very close to finishing the play structure, and they filled us in on what is left to do. We got to watch them cutting corner braces and installing them - the saw was very cool.
Morning Meeting. We stretched...
...had our Moment of Silence...
...and sang some songs. We discussed our new project to make our own alphabet. This will require gathering items from outside to make into letters. So, we headed outside...
We found all kinds of treasure, and a good mud hole.
Back inside, we had Choice Time. (Today, friends even got to choose what the choices would be!) So we opened up the water/magic bubble table and the playdough. Friends experimented with mixing colors today.
After we cleaned up, we read a new story, The Teeny Tiny Woman, which all of the Catbirds seemed to love.
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