Friday, October 26, 2012

Magic T Shirts!

The morning was busy with journals, pirates and puzzles. 

We even made a few phone calls home, to keep families abreast of our goings on.

We had Morning Meeting and, after our Moment of Silence and some songs, we talked about the special project that we would be working on this morning. 

Tori and Katy's dad came in to help us put some magical, invisible paint on our Fall Festival T-shirts.

After, we put a negative of our leaf picture on top and took them out into the sun (or clouds).

After they were out in the light for a little while, the invisible paint turned colors and "developed" our picture - with friends names on them!

While friends took turns working on their shirts inside, the rest of the Catbirds were outdoors, inventing all kinds of games to play with one another. Friends are finding many new ways to interact with one another, as their social skills continue to develop.

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