Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Out in the World

Our morning journaling time had lots of parents involved, which always makes the Catbirds happy.

They are also quite willing to share parents with their friends.

The excitement led to a rousing round of Ring around the Rosie, with special emphasis on the "all fall down" part.

Then, we set up the light projector. Friends got a chance to really explore how it worked and to share shadow ideas with friends. We also gave friends bendable wire, and they used these to make shadows of many shapes.

Then, our light bulb burnt out again, so it was time for another adventure. It was a good thing our friend Toni is the Head Librarian, because we also needed some books about construction.

Our adventures around the school are very complex activities. Walking in a group of friends, when there is so much to see and do and some many people of different sizes about, is not easy. We work hard on figuring out how to stay together, what is touchable and what is not, and how loud or quiet to be - all while having fun. Each time we head out, we get better and better at maneuvering through our increasingly bigger world.

Today, we finally found a friend from last year - Justin. He teaches math in the middle school and he moved to a new room this year. We waved at him on our way by, and he invited us in!

Justin gave each of the Catbirds a marker and we got to help with the complicated math problems on the whiteboard.

Then we headed into the library. Toni was teaching a class (that we couldn't interrupt), so we couldn't get our bulb. Our other librarian friend, Christine, looked up the books we needed and helped us find them.

On our way back, we played some racing games, and friends ran very fast between Carol and Danielle.

Back in the room, we had snack and used this time to learn some more signs. So far, we are learning:
Thank you
and Sorry

Then it was time for Morning Meeting. As we sang some of our favorite songs, we realized that they had signs in them too. So, we also know how to say:
and Fire

We are getting an impressive vocabulary!

Then we worked on our art project - watercoloring trees and bushes for our giant Catbird painting.

Friends helped to clean up the room and tables.

They even used some impressive teamwork to put things in order.
Then, it was time for stories and lunch. 

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