This morning, more friends got to help figure out the letters in their names and bead them onto the string.
Other friends worked with the pop beads, and gave each other clues and encouragement about how to get them to go together.
The babies were out all over the room - eating, taking naps, getting medicine. Friends are starting to explore more complex ways of playing together, and it is exciting to stretch themselves in their interactions. Social Development is really one of the critical areas of growth at this age. t
There is constant experimentation around how to create social bridges, and how to get what you want and how to balance the two, often conflicting needs.
We spent some time learning some more ways to play the guitar (If anyone has a small guitar/ukulele/mandolin/autoharp that they would be willing to let us use, that would be great. The Catbirds would be playing it, but not playing roughly with it. There is a lot of interest in the room).
After snack, we had Morning Meeting and talked about taking some of our Magic Bubbles out to the garden and burying them in the soil (they help to keep the ground moist for plants). The Catbirds were eager to go out and dig! In the process of digging holes, we started to find worms and other bugs, and to talk about what they were doing in the dirt.
We also got to use the WHOLE outdoor area today. We had a chance to play with friends from other rooms and to use the new "playhouse."
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