Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Friendship Wagon

Some friends have learned hand knitting, and are growing their fine motor coordination - as well as their collection of necklaces and bracelets.

Other Catbirds are developing their cutting skills.

Music class!

Exploring new instruments.

Singing and dancing together.

Teamwork is a favorite clean up skill and song!

In Morning Meeting, we discussed a new job - Classroom Photo journalist. Carol explained that this job would change every day and showed friends how to use the ipad camera.

Snack Time! Today was our first pretzel day (our classroom gets pretzels, so no need to buy them in the morning).

Choice time. The Catbirds have to work together to get a track built.

Today the Catbirds took turns making deliveries in the Friendship Wagon. We delivered guinea pig books, cards and chocolate kisses to friends all over the building.

Reading together at rest time.

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