Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Dehydrating Food

Monday table time. Building with straws.

Tuesday art class. Exploring clay.

Tuesday's story, "Dog Breath."

The introduction of our dehydrator, and our new vocabulary words, "Hydrate" and "Dehydrate."

Cutting up fruit for the dehydrator.

Rest time writing and drawing.

Wednesday walk to the meetinghouse with our third grade partners.

Franklin came to visit and deliver us a violin to have in the classroom.


Then it was time to open the dehydrator. 

Then it was time for outside and a big chase!

Back inside for "The Three Bears."

We had a drawing lesson as we all figured out how to draw a boat. Friends had many ideas about how to draw and what a boat needs.

We got out our new instrument and tried it out.

Choice time new building materials.

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