Monday, January 29, 2018

Our Mind's Eye

We started our day with art!

Donna showed us how to draw on the paper and then wet the paper with a squirt bottle and then put colored tissue paper on it.

Friends worked first on their drawings.

Then we applied the tissue paper.

When we took the tissue paper off, it left beautiful colors over the drawings.

Time outside.

The Catbirds are working together to develop large group, imaginative play. They are learning to negotiate roles and rules and there is a growing fluidity developing between both individuals and smaller groups, as well as the to-be-expected conflicts.

At morning meeting, we began with a moment of silence. The Catbirds are working on being able to visualize with their "mind's eye." Today, we practiced picturing a floating balloon as we sat quietly. We had some time to share what our mental pictures looked like. Then, we read our Book of the Week, "Bear Feels Sick." After, we talked about the ways that the Catbirds have been taken care of when they were not feeling good, and how that made them feel.

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