Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Writing to Our Friends

We were down a few Catbirds today, but those present represented well. This week's librarian gathered the books to return and we headed over to hear two old favorites, "This Is Not My Hat," and "That Is Not a Good Idea!"

Then we picked out new books.

We headed outside early today, to beat the rain.

Friends worked together to build a unique fort.

Friends playing family - A family photo.

The final fort - a modern abstract construction.

After snack and morning meeting, some inside building time.

We worked on writing our third grade friends' names on  the friendship questionnaire, while some folks added drawings as gifts.

Puzzles, flubber and music were other choices.

Using new name cards to write friends' names.

Teamwork, carrying the heavy basket back to get ready for lunch.

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