Saturday, November 4, 2017

Making New Friends

This morning, the Catbirds paired off with their new 3rd grade buddies and we headed off to assembly together.

We played the Spanish game, "Donde Vamos Hoy? (Where are we going today?)"

Then the 2nd graders performed a folk dance that they learned in music class.

After, we headed outside to play and take pictures together.

Meet the Catbird's with their new 3rd grade friends.


 We had a really nice time together, starting to get to know one another.

Back inside, we had story time and snack.

We spent as much time as possible outside on this beautiful autumn day.

We did some drawing and building and recorded some of our book reviews.

There was time for mixing and cooking and dancing in the blowing leaves.

We finished up with some slow motion ninja training - with some sneak moves I wasn't expecting.

Back inside for choice time and lunch.

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