Thursday, November 16, 2017


We had a lot of fun on this beautiful Thursday.  Our day begun with friends signing -in, creating art with new stamps, molding with our new scented play dough and building structures with magnatiles.

In music class we made some LOUD music with many instruments.  We sang one of our favorite songs about a grandma and grandpa.  We also practiced our song for the concert and began learning the dance moves.  Many friends were so excited to hear about performing on a stage.

We read The Peace Book by Todd Parr.  We sang a friendship song and sent Tons and Tons of love to Carol.

It was such a beautiful day to play and explore outside.  Some friends made pies, some played a chasing game and others worked on mastering the monkey bars.  Charity pretended to be a hugging kissing monster that chased friends.  When they were caught they got huge hugs and kisses. 

A worm friend!!!

Before choice time we played a "guess who is hiding" game.  Maria took one friend out of the classroom and Charity hid one friend under a blanket.  When the friend came back in he/she had to guess who was hiding under the blanket.  We would give descriptive clues and/or show a part of the friend, like their shoes. 

At choice time we built with legos and continued to work on sharing, asking for what you want with kind words and working collaboratively. 

In the dramatic play area some friends cooked soup and packed for their trip to California.

Some friends made Fall pictures with tissue paper, contact paper and construction paper trees.  The contact paper was very sticky so friends had to carefully and creatively place their tissue paper on it.  

We had a TERRIFIC Thursday.  I hope all of you found some time in your day to play, connect, get a hug and be peaceful.  
Here is another amazing poem from Shel Silverstein.


I will not play at tug o' war
I'd rather play at hug o' war.
Where everyone hugs
instead of tugs.
Where everyone giggles 
And rolls on the rug.
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddle,
And everyone wins.

by Shel Silverstein

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