Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A lovely Wednesday!

Early morning activities.  We had a lot of fun building with the geo-blocks, drawing and playing with the cars in our colorful rice.


 We took a break from our morning activities to have some quite time to center ourselves.  We lite two candles and took a quite walk around the lower school.  When we got back to our classroom we sang one of our favorite songs, Peace Like A River.  

We sent Carols TON and TON of LOVE.  We hope she can feel it all the way in Atlanta! 

 We worked hard at measuring, stirring and taking turns when we made homemade applesauce muffins.  

Many friends love drawing.  Some friends made beautiful picture for their third grade buddies. 

Outside we had tons of fun! We also worked on many social/ emotional skill.  We worked on sharing, helping each other, using our kind words, how to let others make decisions and have a voice when we are playing together.  

 We read, "The Feel Good Book" by Todd Parr.  Each page and illustration is about what makes "you" feel good.  After we read the book, we brainstormed what makes us feel good.  We made a list of some of our favorite things, playing with a friend, eating ice cream and being together...  

Eating muffins and sharing them with others makes us feel good too.  

 During choice time we played with legos, the geo-blocks and in the dramatic play area.  At the lego table we worked hard at being a loving community, sharing with each other and asking kindly for legos we would like to use. 

We had such a lovely Wednesday.  I hope all of you found somethings today that makes you feel good.  

Here is a little poem from a book a friend shared with us this week.  It is by the amazing Shel Silverstein.  

My Skin is kind of sort of brownish
Pinkish yellowish white.
My eyes are greyish blueish green,
But I'm told they look orange in the night.
My hair is reddish blondish brown,
But it's silver when it's wet.
And all the colors I am inside
Have not been invented yet.
by Shel Silverstein

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