Monday, April 3, 2017

Shrinky Dinks!

We started the day with Español.

Alicia began teaching us a new song for Earth Day.

Stopping to say hello to Alicia's fish

With help from friends, we finished our book about Popcorn.

There were many novel buildings proudly constructed.

Outside without coats! 
While we were outdoors, some friends had a chance to write stories and have them transcribed. 

At Morning Meeting, we read the first couple of stories that the Catbirds wrote today. Then, we had a demonstration of how to draw our houses on paper and then trace them onto the shrinky dink plastic. This will allow us to shrink our drawings down to map size. Today, we finished all of the drawings. Tomorrow morning, we shrink them!

Legos were also open at Choice Time.

Out test octopus.

More magnificent building.

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