Friday, January 6, 2017


Yesterdays table time. Friends made peppermint playdough.


Off to assembly.

We sang the Hello song.

Practiced a moment of being present.

Sang "Beautiful Day."

Ran a race in the hallway!

Then one loop outside!

First snowman of the year.

We loved being out in the snow!

We raced in for music class.

Then headed back outside. Before we went out, we read a book about snow and ice.

We ran through it, built with it, slid on it, ate it, threw it at each other and cooked with it.

We pretty much used it all up.

Then we found icicles, and used them all up.

We did some experiments with the pond, to see whether or not the water was frozen.

It was a good first day in the snow, but there was NOT ENOUGH!
Note to parents: when we get a real snow, please send your child in with as much snow ready gear as you can - waterproof gloves, snow boots and snow pants, because we are all about getting into the snow!

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