Monday, January 9, 2017

Movie Making

Our morning. Fresh playdough with the lovely aroma of peppermint!


We also worked on our "Chain of Kindness" movie today. All of the friends had a chance to explain what the chain of kindness is and how we use it. We will be putting the pieces together and show it at Assembly Friday after next. Our goal is to get the whole lower school involved (and possibly the middle and upper school).

Because it was soooo cold, we didn't get to go outside (20 degrees is usually the cut off temperature for heading out.) Instead, we headed downstairs for a rousing game of Zombie Tag. Zombie Tag is a chasing game played in the near dark. It has grown in complexity, as some friends are "smellers" who help to create monster rhymes. This gave us a chance to burn up some serious energy.

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