Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Book and Building

Our day began.

We had another animal report. This one on horses!

Then we headed for the library. We took all of our books back and started fresh.

Doris read us three books today - all about snow.

The Catbirds were exceptionally good story listeners today.

After we checked out new books, we headed back for some snack.

After Morning Meeting, we had Choice Time.

We did some water color painting using crayons as wax resist.

We also got out our boxes and put on the final touches before assembly.
Friends learned how to find the center of a square, by using a ruler to draw an "X" from corner to corner.

Friends spent some time with the new books.

There was Lego building on Catbirdland.

And lots of dramatic play.

After clean up, we headed outside. We were surprised at how warm it was.

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