Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Art and Feelings

We were shy a few Catbirds today (so we did stop to send them some extra love).

After sign in time, we headed for art.

Amanda showed us each how to trace our animals...

...and then create a place for them that would show through the transparent tracing,

We spent part of the day creating a new Feeling Board (because the other one just wasn't holding up).

Then we headed outside for a bit - it was COLD!

At Morning Meeting, Christina read a fable. After, friends identified the parts of the story: Characters, Setting and Event.

Then it was Choice Time.

Making giant crayons.

Caught in a giant web!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Today We Learned About Monkeys!

Fridays table time included an extensive set of paper dolls, with a huge number of outfits including fancy dress, costumes and sports clothing. They were a very popular choice as friends let their imaginations lead the way.

Friends reviewing the day's photos.

Monday morning spanish class.

Some new architecture.

Rocking and rolling.

Teamwork and muscles for clean up.

A song and we all fell down.

Animal presentation on monkeys!


Story time.

Choice Time

Rest time.Learned