Tuesday, November 22, 2016

So Much Happening Today!

Monday afternoon table time.

Our morning.

Lots of music.

Dancing during snack time. 

Weather check! Racing around the garden before Morning Meeting.

Practicing our dance moves.

At Morning Meeting, we introduced the feelings number line (which desperately needs a name, and we are welcoming suggestions). From now on, as part of sign in, the Catbirds will place themselves on the line, depending upon how they are feeling. We are working on building greater self-awareness of mood, and attending to others feelings, as well as our effect on one another.

For Choice Time, we had a parent come in to talk about many Catbirds favorite topic - Lego Star Wars!

We also had some new games.

And we worked on making pies for tomorrow's snack.

We also had a surprise visitor!

After, we headed outside.

Back indoors, we showed our dance moves to Amy.

Then, some Chewbaccas came by.

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