Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Peaceful Day...and Power Tools

Some afternoon table activities: working on literacy skills.

Using a q-tip to erase numbers from the chalkboard - an activity that enhances both fine motor strength and coordination, and number awareness...and its fun.

Our morning.

Repeated attempts at building a very large, skinny building.

Books with friends, big and small.

Today we had our own Meeting for Worship. We listened to a beautiful piece of music and created pictures in our minds.

Friends were also creating books today.

And meals.

Some spontaneous games of "Ring Around the Rosie."

Friends outside.

Some reading in the sunshine.

Families - the whole class was part of today's group.

Chatting about life.

Solving problems with friends.

After Morning Meeting, we had Choice Time.

Making music was a popular choice.

Friends created drawings using stickers.

Coutning blocks.

Back to work on our secret project. We have reached the power tool stage.

Practicing our dance for the Winter Program.

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