Monday, November 14, 2016


Friday afternoon table time.

This morning sign in.

Then off to Spanish class.

Flying to Spain.

Learning "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" in Spanish.

Time to make juice. Friends eagerly helped cut and peel and de-stem the fruits and vegetables.

With breaks to build and cook elsewhere.

We tasted each one.

Some were sooooo delicious!

It was fun to feed the fruit into the juicer.

Then we headed outside.

It was another beautiful day and friends were eager to stretch their muscles.

There were several complex games of make believe - with continual negotiations about who, what where and why. The Catbird's ability to create together continues to expand.

Rocket ships were taking off for the North Woods.

Back inside, we had Morning Meeting. We read a story and got set for Choice Time.

Friends had a chance to rate all of the juices that they tried on a scale of 1 to 10.

We tried the last juice, Fruit Punch, which was a mix of all the juices.

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