Monday, November 21, 2016


We eased into our morning with sign in and books.

We had quite a bit of music.

After snack, we headed outside.

The Catbirds built, ran, cooked and played in the leaves.

After we got a bit chilly, we headed inside for Morning Meeting.

One of the Catbirds had a question about the class, and we figured out a way to find an answer. The question was: "How many 2, 3, 4, and 5 year olds are in our class.

Each friend put their face card in the column that matched their age.

Then, we talked about what we could conclude from the graph - noting that we have the most 4 year olds.

At Choice Time, we introduced some new games.

Flubber was another popular choice.

More friends got to drill and build, as we continue to work on our project.

Leading our Moment of Silence for lunch.

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