Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Monster Tag, Music and Map Painting.

A quick morning sign in and snuggle, and we were off to Art class!

Amanda showed us how to make our clay smooth and flat.

Then how to use the stamps that we had made to create impressions in our clay.

Back in Catbirdland, there was much music being made.

And amazing buildings being built. The creators decided to create a video describing their creation and the process of building. We watched it on the big screen in the afternoon.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some families have reported that they are unable to view videos. Please let me know if this is true for you, so that I can find another method of including videos - especially as we will be making more of them.

In between here, we had snack, a dance party and then went downstairs for a game of Monster Tag.

At Morning Meeting, we read a new book that was in its own language. It was fun to figure out what was being said by the context.

Next, we had our first, ADVENTURE IN SCIENCE! We explained what we would be mixing together, and asked friends for their hypotheses about what would happen.

It was enthralling.

Since it didn't do what was predicted, we decided to try stirring and  observing.

At Choice Time, we started painting our map of Catbirdland.

Among a variety of activities.