Friday, November 6, 2015

A Day Outdoors

Inside a big box.

On a plane to Russia.

Off to assembly outside.

What do you do when half the class is out sick? Get out in the fresh air and go on an adventure!
We loaded up our wagon and headed out.

Found a good place to stop for snack.

Piled up some leaves.

And jumped in them.

Found leaves bigger than our heads.

We stopped and talked to Dave, the caretaker, and he gave us a giant half log that we put in our wagon to take back to the playground.

Then we went to climb trees in the jungle.

We found the big leaf pile that Dave made for us, and played in there, too.

Stopped off at our favorite jumping-off wall.

Then headed in for lunch.

We read a new fable.

At rest time...

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